Friday, November 25, 2016

Mind the Middle

  •   People who go skydiving will tell you that it wasn't all that scary. They just started really high up and gradually made their way to the ground. Sure, the difference was huge...but given the proper pace, it seemed completely manageable to their adrenaline-craving bodies.

      I've stood at heights that made my legs tingle; give 300 feet and I'd likely buckle a bit. I've sat in planes where I viewed those same heights with great condescension. And I ask myself where the thrill comes from?

      The thrill is in jumping from one place to another. Given any distance, that distance covered in pace is manageable. Jumping straight from A to B is what stresses the mind. When we try to simulate actualized potential energy, we often neglect to give proper attention to the middle stuff that marries cause and affect. The middle stuff is the now that so often isn't as bad as we once believed it was going to be.

      So enjoy the vertigo if that's your thing... But when you're done fooling yourself, mind the middle. Anything is achievable through the middle. 

     The truth is that long term things aren't all that portrayed in media. The long term is full of moments that may or may not be exciting simply thanks to your heart rate or state of mind.

      We owe it to ourselves to recognize that moments are just a moments; the dopamine isn't there to stay forever...states of mind are fleeting.

      Visualization may be the most satisfying thing of all. Until all is actualized, try to live purposefully and be good to each other.✌🏼

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