Monday, June 26, 2017

Check List


-become completely aware of how you spend your time
-become completely aware of how you would like to spend your time
-become completely aware of any goals you have (if you don’t have any, don’t worry)
-botch things that you aren’t proud of
-make sure you’re happy
-make sure you’re happy
-make sure you’re happy
-stay busy
-spend a lot of time with other people
-make time for yourself
-address your emotions but don’t get lost in them
-get lost in your passions but mind the list above
-make sure you’re happy
-if you’re lucky, sanity doesn’t matter, don’t sweat it. just mind the list above

Hope this helps,

PS- make sure you’re happy

PPS- make sure you can be happy being sad. that’s a lot of life too

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